Heat Exchanger - How to Construct The Plate Heat Exchanger

Heat Exchanger - How to Construct The Plate Heat Exchanger

1). Frame:
  • The heat exchanger consists of a frame plate (head), a pressure plate (follower), a carrying bar, a lower bar and a column. Tie (clamping) bolts are used to press the plate package together. The size and number is depending on the type of heat exchanger.

2). Plates:
  • The plate pakage consists of plates with a groove along the rim of the plate and around the ports. The number of plates is, as well as size and dimension, dependant on the thermal output required. Depending on the application stainless steel or titanium plates might be used.

3). Gaskets:
  • The groove provided in the plates holds the special gasket. The purpose of this gasket is to prevent intermixing of the media and leakage to the outside.The gaskets are selected to suit the actual combination of temperature, chemical resistance and possible other conditions to be considered. They can be supplied in Viton, Nitrile or EPDM.
  • The following types of packings are being used in our plate type heat exchangers:
  1. Glue Gaskets
  2. Sonder snap
  3. Sonder lock gaskets
  4. Hage on gaskets
4). Special applications:

  • If the plate heat exchanger works with several fluids at the same time, it can be necessary to insert intermediate frames.The intermediate frames are equipped with corner blocks, forming connections between the different sections. Two connections can be placed in the same corner block, having connection to two different sections in the plate heat exchanger.
  • For the exact application of your plate type heat exchanger please check the documentation which was supplied with the heat exchanger.

5). Right/left plates:
  • The SONDEX  plates are designed in such a way that they can be used both as right and as left plates. The plates just have to beturned 180º. ( Excepted are types S1, S53 and SF52, which are “diagonal” plates. Here right and left plates are different ).
Right and left plates:
  • On a right plate the flow runs from hole 2 to hole 3 or reverse from hole 3 to hole 2.
  • On a left plate the flow runs from hole 1 to hole 4 or reverse from hole 4 to hole 1. 
  • The opening of the corner holes are described in a “plate code index”. For instance 1234 means that all corner holes are open.
  • Every plate can be identified by the gasket configuration, the plate code index and thermal short or thermal long execution.



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